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New Feature: Event Alerts Webinar

By Piotr Pozniak | July 13, 2023

Join us for our upcoming webinar centered around Display.Church’s latest product, Event ALERTS. Take your event promotion to the next level with this innovative tool designed to capture your congregants’ attention and highlight upcoming featured events. With Event ALERTS, you can easily sync your Breeze, CCB, Google Calendar, or PCO event data and seamlessly display…

Introducing our new advanced and powerful filtering logic!

By Piotr Pozniak | June 8, 2023

NEW FILTERING Our filtering logic in SETUP has changed. This is how you tell Display.Church which of your church events to display on your calendar or group widgets view (depending on your integration). This new nested logic, along with the use of connectors such as ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘is’, and ‘is not’, allows for an almost…