Planning Center
Display.Church (D.C) now integrates with the Planning Center (PCO) app!
Integrating D.C with PCO allows you to create beautiful, embeddable calendar and group widget views with your PCO events in 5 minutes or less.

Event Attendance Low?
Post weekend church service, you ask a few church regulars:
“Hey, are you coming to the Big Event later?” (The event that you and your team have worked hard on for months.)
Instead of getting a yes, no, or maybe, you hear the most dreaded responses:
Let’s be honest, this frustrating situation is common in many churches, so how can you do things differently?
Plus, you have already created events on PCO. This may include event schedules and registration forms. Why do it all over again to improve your calendar and group widget views?
Integrating Display.Church (D.C) with Planning Center (PCO) allows you to display exciting, eye-catching, embeddable calendars for free which reflect your ministry goals and church culture.
Upgrade your existing calendar or add the calendar you’ve always wanted. All calendar views update automatically for ‘set it and forget it’ effectiveness.
Which church website are you?

We already display a PCO calendar.
Display.Church takes you one step further, creating beautiful, clear, attention-grabbing calendar views with your PCO calendar data.

Our calendar could be more exciting and effective.
All you need to do is add the Display.Church - Planning Center integration–for free.
Get The Word Out Easily
Meet your people where they are - on their phones.
- Share a link on social media, email or via text that is always pointing to a visually-striking, events landing page that stays up-to-date.
- On Planning Center, it’s simple to add events, change dates, and cancel happenings from your desktop or mobile.
- Invite other people for free to help manage your events.
Then create and manage your calendar and groups widget views using Display.Church.

Simpler = More Relevant
Don’t make your people wade through tons of info to find
what speaks to them.
- Display.Church can handle multiple PCO calendars on
the same or multiple websites. - You can create one calendar display for internal ministry
events and another for public events or for multiple
ministries or departments. Display.Church handles it all.
Up-To-Date Automatically
Just keep Planning Center updated. Display.Church
does the rest—automatically.
- Details come from your PCO integration, so no double entry.
- You can also do a manual sync (update) at any time.

Professional Design Templates
Not a graphics person or designer? Display.Church has done the work for you , so you don't have to.
- Seven (7) modern views to choose from.
- You can include your Planning Center images.
- Over 100 design features let you fully customize your event display to reflect your ministry culture and branding.
- We have licensed the look and feel from one of the most popular calendaring systems, EventOn, and integrated those views to work with Planning Center.
Awesome Features For Today’s Ministries

Choose the font type, weight, and size for each
major element to ensure it matches your

Colors & Layout
Choose the colors and calendar or group widget's layout type to
match your specific needs.

No Coding
Set up a calendar view or group widet in 5 minutes or less. No
coding required. A one-time add of one line of
script to your website enables the views to

Automatic Syncing
We’ll ensure your calendar or group widget is always
updated. We update the widgets views once or
twice per day (according to your plan). You can also
push unlimited changes from within the app.
Responsive Design and Mobile App Ready
Your calendar and group widget views meet your congregation on whichever device they are using. Our widgets work on the most modern websites and respond nicely on all devices. Your people can see your widgets via their desktop and mobile browsers. Even more exciting is that you can meet your ministry on their phones via our mobile app.
And Tons More!

• Responsive Format
Our calendar view works on the most modern websites and responds nicely on all devices.
• Multiple Views
Choose from Full Calendar, Weekly View, Events List, Cards (Grid), Cards (List), Slider, and the new Detailed List.
• Auto and manual sync
Automatic: We will ensure your calendar is always updated. Depending on your plan, updates happen once a day
(3 am UTC or 4AM UTC depending on plan) or twice a day (12 am and 12 pm UTC).
Manual: You can always push unlimited changes from within the app.

Our Full Features,
For Free!
If you Sign Up today, we will give you an Extra
15 Days to try it out free!
(45 days instead of 30).

Getting Started
1. Sign up & Integrate
Sign up and Integrate your Church Management Software Account
2. Customize (No Coding)
Choose the calendar type you want. Customize the design
3. Publish and Embed
Publish and embed the calendar on your website.
Demo Examples
1. Cards (Grid)
View showing most options (event name, location, date, and description).
To view more Cards (Grid) demos…
2. Cards (List)
View showing most options (event name, location, date, and description)
To view more Cards (List) demos…
3. Weekly View [Pills]
Events shown in "Pills" format.
To view more Cards (Weekly View) demos…
4. Full Calendar Display (no events list)
Events list is hidden (not shown below the monthly calendar view).
To view more Cards (Full Calendar) demos…
5. Events List [Accordion]
This events list shows 8 upcoming events. When an event is clicked, its details open below the calendar.
To view more Cards (Event List) demos…
6. Slider (Title only + Loop + 2 cards)
A carousel design with a modern and familiar experience allowing a great way to show a lot in a little space. The example below shows: Event title / Date + Auto-play + 2 event cards at a time + Centered