No Coding!

Create Beautiful,
Group Widget Views

Group 207

for your Church

Works with:     

Group 230




NOW: 3 display options


  • Embed on your church website.

  • Use your Display.Church URL as a hosted web page.

  • Promote via an auto-generated QR Code.

Do Your Groups Go

You’ve worked hard to set up and organize small groups at your church…groups which can enrich your members’ lives and encourage their next steps to Christ. Question is: could the attendance be better?

How many people have joined each group? Of the joiners, how many are showing up regularly?

Chances are, you already have some kind of small groups display or page. Chances are, it could be much better: more exciting, eye-catching, engaging…not to mention kept up-to-date automatically.

Our new, easy-to-use, cloud-based Display.Church groups widget is the solution.

At the moment, this works with Pushpay/CCB and Planning Center (PCO).

Encourage Participation

Highlight the essentials:

Help people find relevancy in less time. Display up to two (2) info badges.

Group 234

Bite-sized Info:

Today, people want it short, to the point. Over 10 tags fast track readers to the info they need.

Group 237

Easy to sign up:

The easier it is, the more people will join. Up to two (2) clickable CTA buttons and customizable text

Group 238
Group 240

Up-To-Date Automatically

Just keep your ChMS (Pushpay/CCB or PCO) updated. Display.Church does the rest—automatically.

  • Details come from your integration (Pushpay/CCB or PCO), so no double entry.
  • You can also do a manual sync (update) at any time.

Professional Design Templates

Not a graphics person or designer? Display.Church has done the work for you.

  • Easily create beautiful, embeddable groups views using your groups & their events and our integration.
  • Over 100 design features let you fully customize your event display to reflect your ministry culture and branding.
  • We have licensed the look and feel from one of the most popular calendaring systems, EventOn, and integrated those views to work with CCB & PCO.
Group 241

Awesome Features For Today’s Ministries

Group 6197


Choose the font type, weight, and size for each
major element to ensure it matches your

Group 6198

Colors & Layout

Choose the colors and calendar layout type to
match your specific needs.

Group 6204

No Coding

Set up a calendar view in 5 minutes or less. No
coding required. A one-time add of one line of
script to your website enables the views to

Group 6205

Automatic Syncing

We’ll ensure your calendar is always
updated. We update calendar views once or
twice per day (according to your plan) or you
can push unlimited changes from within the app.

And Tons More!

Group 6118

Responsive Format

Our calendar view works on the most modern websites and responds nicely on all devices.

Multiple Views

Choose from Full Calendar, Weekly View, Events List, Cards (Grid), Cards (List), Slider, and the new Detailed List.

Auto and manual sync

Automatic: We will ensure your calendar is always updated. Depending on your plan, updates happen once a day

(3 am UTC or 4AM UTC depending on plan) or twice a day (12 am and 12 pm UTC).

Manual: You can always push unlimited changes from within the app.

Branding / SEO
Group 241

How it Works

1. Sign up & Integrate

Sign up and Integrate your Google Calendar account or Church Management Software Account.

2. Customize (No Coding)

Choose the calendar type, group widget, or event alert you want. Customize the design.

3. Publish and Embed

Publish and embed your calendar, groups widget, and/or event alert on your website.

Real Clients


* Add a one-time EventOn(c) licensing fee: $50 (Same for everyone)


Check out all our Integrations: