A huge wishlist item on our Display.Church Feedback Board was ‘time without date’. Joey Craft started us off with their request which then got 2 upvotes.

Joey’s feedback request

Thanks Joey and upvoters!

Display.Church is now pleased to announce that your card view date now comes in three options: Regular, Compact, and Short.

Time/Date options


The improved date options let you choose the format which best matches your event. For example, Joey felt that for single day events, the short date format of just start–end times would be enough since the day/date remains the same and is displayed elsewhere nearby. He felt that this would reduce information overload and improve visual clarity. We agree. However, in the case of events that run over two or more days, the regular date format would be more helpful because it would clarify that the start and end are not on the same day / date.

Read more about choosing the date format for your card view.

calendar, Display, time and date