We’re excited to announce a brand new addition to our calendar view options at Display.Church – introducing Tiles! This compact and visually appealing calendar view is now available to all our partners, offering a fresh way to showcase your events.

Our newest view: Tiles

Versatile Layout Option

Tiles provides a space-efficient solution for displaying your events, making it perfect for use as a sidebar widget or a featured events section on your website. Its adaptable design allows you to effortlessly integrate it into various page layouts.

Customizable Tile Size and Shape

One of the standout features of Tiles is the ability to customize the size and shape of the event tiles. This flexibility enables you to create a calendar view that seamlessly fits your website’s unique design and aesthetic.

Streamlined User Experience

With Tiles, you can enhance the user experience by including eye-catching images and clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons. Direct visitors to your contact person or sign-up forms with just a click, making event registration and inquiries a breeze.

Upgrade Your Event Display

Ready to give your event calendar a fresh look? Head over to your Display.Church account and explore the new Tiles view. Elevate your event presentation and provide your website visitors with a visually engaging and user-friendly experience. 

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Display.Church as we continue to innovate and deliver powerful tools to support your church’s online presence. 

calendar, Display