Showcases > First Baptist Church of Arlington
First Baptist Church of Arlington


Dr. Dennis Wiles
Senior Pastor
If you can’t find out what’s happening at First Baptist Church of Arlington, it’s on you.
First Baptist Arlington has done an outstanding job of making it clear and easy to find out about their church events. Links are everywhere!
The promotion begins at the top of their home page in their header menu. Clicking on the Events tab opens up three possibilities. We will look at the first two. (Parent Dashboard is not an events display.)

First Baptist Arlington Home Page header menu
In case you missed the header tab, the home page has a very visible link to the events page.

Another link on the First Baptist Arlington home page
Clicking on Events (image above) or the Event Calendar link in the header menu take you to the Event Calendar.
Clicking on this option brings you to their Event Calendar page.

First Baptist Arlington’s Event Calendar page
Notice that there are three options: Upcoming Events, Ministry Events, and Activities & Fitness.
All three views were created with the Display.Church Cards (Grid) template. Click on an event to see a pop up with more information. Which information is displayed is up to you.

Pop up with more information
Click on the This Week header link brings you to the This Week page. On this page, the week’s events are displayed via the Display.Church Weekly View template – Pills option.

Display.Church Weekly View template – Pills option
Again, click on an event to see a pop up with more information. Which information is displayed is up to you.
(1) There are left and right arrows on either side of the date. This is navigation, so that viewers can scroll through the weeks.
(2) There is a the button at the bottom: View Full Events List. Click on this button to see a Display.Church Events List of all the happenings in the month.

Display.Church Events List template with navigation arrows
Wherever you see the left/right arrows, viewers have navigation. Viewers can move backwards and forwards between the weeks or months as desired.

Dr. Dennis Wiles
Senior Pastor