Showcases > Mission Church
Mission Church


Pastor Jerry Lingenfelter
Senior Pastor
Simple but so very effective…
The Mission Church Events Page shows that a basic calendar can also be very effective.
This page has one item: a Display.Church monthly calendar. Underneath the calendar is an event list showing the day’s options.
When a viewer clicks on one of the events in the Events List, more information appears below. The choice of which information appears is up to you.

More event information displays below.
Just underneath the monthly calendar you may have noticed some branding:

Display.Church branded plans are even more ‘church budget friendly’.
To keep it affordable for you and operational for us, our monthly/annual Starter, Medium, and Pro plans now come in two versions: branded and unbranded. In the branded version, we add a small logo to your calendar page. If you wish to remove the branding, there is a small, additional cost.

Pastor Jerry Lingenfelter
Senior Pastor