Showcases > Colonial Presbyterian Church, EPC
Colonial Presbyterian Church, EPC


Colonial Presbyterian Church, EPC
Best of Both Worlds, Calendar, Mixed D.C, TOP 🌟🔥🤩

Jim West
Lead Pastor
Got more than one campus? Want to show what’s happening churchwide but also at each one? Display.Church has got you covered.
Display.Church has extensive filtering options which blend with your integration. Colonial Presbyterian Church has put these to excellent use! Let’s see how they show both what is happening churchwide as well as what is going on at each campus.
The main home page [] reflects the overall church. The menu at the top has a clear EVENTS link. That link brings you to their Events page showing churchwide happenings. We will look at that page (which also uses filtering in a creative way) in a moment.

Colonial Presbyterian Church header menu on Home Page
Scroll down the home page to find links to both campuses.
So, now we have 3 home pages: Colonial churchwide [], Overland Park [], and South KC []. Each home page has an upcoming events display created with the Display.Church Cards (Grid) template. The Colonial home page churchwide display shows all the events. Using filtering, Colonial Presbyterian Church uses Display.Church filtering to display campus-specific event on each of the campus home pages. The GIF below cycles between the 3 home pages.
The Colonial Presbyterian Church Events Page is always the same, no matter from which home page or campus you begin. In other words, it shows churchwide events.
However, please notice that there are three options: ALL, KIDS, STUDENTS. Having tabs on the same page is not a Display.Church feature. Colonial Presbyterian Church has wisely used the ‘best of both worlds’ principle: using their website builder options in a ‘whatever works’ philosophy. However, the content of the different displays is created using Display.Church filtering options for Colonial Presbyterian Church’s integration.

Events Page menu
Each option begins with a repeat of the Cards (Grid) template displayed on the home page. After that, the ALL and KIDS options have a Display.Church Monthly Calendar template. Of course, the ALL monthly calendar shows churchwide events which the KIDS monthly calendar shows kid-specific happenings.

Churchwide events

Kid-specific events
Wherever you see the left/right arrows, viewers have navigation. Viewers can move backwards and forwards between the weeks or months as desired.
The Learn More link brings you to the Kids page. On this page is a repeat of the Kids Cards (Grid) events display from the Events page and the Kids Monthly Calendar with kid-specific happenings.

Ministries page link to the Kids page
The Learn More link brings you to the Students page. On this page is a repeat of the Students Cards (Grid) events display from the Events page and a new Students Monthly Calendar with student-specific happenings.

Ministries link to the Students Events page

Colonial Presbyterian Church, EPC
Best of Both Worlds, Calendar, Mixed D.C, TOP 🌟🔥🤩

Jim West
Lead Pastor