Showcases > Valley Forge Baptist Church
Valley Forge Baptist Church


Scott Wendal
Senior Pastor
Valley Forge Baptist Church gives us an excellent example of fresh and innovative marketing creativity.
(1) Repurposing: They used a Display.Church (D.C) calendar widget to market several of their small groups.
(2) Variety: The CTA chosen allows each item to redirect as needed on click.
Let’s unpack these by looking at their events page.
(1) Repurposing a D.C widget
The issue
Display.Church has a groups widget with 4 different template options. At the moment, this is available for our Planning Center (PCO) and Pushpay/CCB (CCB) integrations.
But what if the templates we offer are not what you are looking for? Or you like the templates but are using our Breeze or Google Calendar integrations?
The solution
Valley Forget Baptist Church (VFBC) used a D.C calendar template to feature three of their small groups. They opted for the slider option (see image below).Usually, D.C partners use this template to feature specific calendar events.

D.C Slider Calendar Template
While viewers can swipe right and left to see the items, VFBC also set the slider to move automatically.
(2) Variety of redirect options
The issue
Valley Forge Baptist Church (VFBC) wanted to send their people to different places depending on the item they clicked. In one case, the redirect was to a sign-up form. In the other two cases, it was two different website pages.
The solution
Display.Church (D.C) offers a variety of call to action options. The options available vary somewhat depending on integration and the D.C template you are working with. However, all our 4 integrations offer the following two choices for the slider template:
- Use first URL from event’s description
- Use last URL from event’s description

CTA options available for ALL 4 integrations
In case you didn’t know, you don’t enter data into D.C. We pull in information from your integration. So, in their integration, VFBC put a different URL in each group description. Here are the three different outcomes:
(1) The website page of one of their adult bible study groups:
2) The website page of their teen bible study group:
3) A sign-up form to their AWANA kids clubs. In this case, the URL redirects to their integration, not their website.
How did Valley Forge Baptist Church select the groups to feature?
Display.Church offers extensive filtering options. These vary according to your integration. Valley Forge Baptist Church (VFBC) used this filtering to choose the groups they wanted to display.
What is it about Display.Church that facilitated their plan?
One of the top philosophies of Display.Church (D.C) is customization. Each D.C setting and design feature has a default. This allows you to create and display a D.C widget quickly and easily. However, if you have more time, you can customize your widget to suit your church’s branding and culture.
It is this customization that gave VFBC the flexibility to create and put into action their innovation.

Scott Wendal
Senior Pastor