Join us for an exciting webinar replay, unveiling DisplayChurch’s latest features and enhancements! See upgrades to the Google Calendar integration like selecting multiple calendars, matching event colors, and filtering by location. Check out new Planning Center improvements such as displaying group contact emails, customizing sign-up form descriptions, and filtering sign-ups by campus/category.

You’ll also get a look at general platform updates including time display options, image container toggling, calendar event limits, customizable call-to-action buttons, background color customization, and video link previews. Plus, don’t miss the highly requested features like Open Graph data for previews, QR code generation, multi-user accounts, and the sleek new “Tiles” calendar view.

Elevate your church’s digital experience with the latest DisplayChurch innovations.

4 Highly Requested Updates:

  • Confidence-inspiring previews: When posted on social media or used in ads, the preview captures attention and helps people feel more ok about clicking. Read more here.
  • Improved sharing options: QR codes as well as native sharing options and a copy/paste link. Read more here.
  • Multiuser support: Invite your team to work on your calendar views, group widgets, event alerts, and sign-up form widgets. Read more here in our helpdesk article.
  • Featured event highlights: Using the ‘featured events’ badge in your calendar view? Make these events even more eye-catching with their own display.

Updates for All Integrations:

Google Calendar (GCal) Integration:

  • Choose your Google Calendar(s): Tell Display.Church from which calendars to pull in your data. Read more here.
  • Event color different than calendar color: Highlight an event via its color. Read more here.
  • Filter by Location: Read more here.

Planning Center (PCO) Integration:

  • Contact Email for Planning Center Groups Integration: Give your groups contact email info up front. Read more here.
  • Customizable Description Limits for Sign-Up Forms: Reduce overlong descriptions if desired. Read more here.
  • Filtering option for sign-up forms: We added the filters ‘category’ and ‘campus’. Read more here in our helpdesk article.

author: Piotr Pozniak

category: Webinars