Category: Mixed D.C
Coast Hills Church
By Piotr Pozniak | February 14, 2025
Coast Hills Church is an outstanding example of several Display.Church products: Featured events, Calendars, and Groups. The biggest thing we want to show you is how this church uses the Display.Church filtering options to create specific calendars for specific needs. Then, we will move on to exploring how they continue to use Display.Church products to clearly…
Grace Fellowship
By Piotr Pozniak | November 18, 2024
Last summer (June 2024), Display.Church debuted an important innovation: Featured Highlights. Grace Fellowship is a great example of this innovation in action. Plus, their website has got worthwhile tips to improve your communication and outreach. Let’s get into it… Tip #1: Make your events easy to find. We cannot say this often enough: The quicker…
Lutheran Church of the Cross
By Piotr Pozniak | September 15, 2024
Do your church events have efficient, branded communication? That is, how easy is it for your people to find out what is happening and when? And how well does the presentation of this information align with your church’s branding? We’d like to introduce you to Lutheran Church of the Cross (LCOTC). We hope this example…
Københavns Frikirke Church
By Piotr Pozniak | December 11, 2023
Not using English? No problem! Display.Church widgets are happy to work in other languages. We were thrilled to see the website of Københavns (KBH) Frikirke Church because it is a great example of how well Display.Church can handle non-English languages…even languages whose letters may be different from those in English. HOME PAGE On their home…
Colonial Presbyterian Church, EPC
By Piotr Pozniak | October 30, 2023
Got more than one campus? Want to show what’s happening churchwide but also at each one? Display.Church has got you covered. Display.Church has extensive filtering options which blend with your integration. Colonial Presbyterian Church has put these to excellent use! Let’s see how they show both what is happening churchwide as well as what is…
First Baptist Church of Arlington
By Piotr Pozniak | October 24, 2023
If you can’t find out what’s happening at First Baptist Church of Arlington, it’s on you. First Baptist Arlington has done an outstanding job of making it clear and easy to find out about their church events. Links are everywhere! HOME PAGE The promotion begins at the top of their home page in their header…
C3 Tri-Cities Church
By Piotr Pozniak | October 23, 2023
Let’s unpack this ‘mixed D.C’ example… C3 Tri-Cities church makes it easy to find their church events. This is so important! The easier it is for your church members and first-time guests to see what’s happening, the greater the chance of them showing up. MENU LINK TO EVENTS PAGE In their ‘About’ tab, C3 Tri-Cities…
St. Paul Lutheran Church
By Piotr Pozniak | October 9, 2023
Let’s unpack this Top / Mixed D.C example… We chose this church because it is a super example of how Display.Church filtering can make your digital communication strategy much easier. You’ve already entered the events. Now, just use Display.Church templates + mix and match filtering to create an endless variety of event views. Let’s check…
Heritage Church
By Piotr Pozniak | September 27, 2023
Let’s unpack this Mixed D.C example… The Heritage Church Events Page is using 3 Display.Church options at the moment. (1) Event ALERTS Check out the yellow banner at the top of the page. This is an event alert. Event ALERTS is an automated, ‘set it and forget it’ statement which gives information about an upcoming…
Bethany Community Church
By Piotr Pozniak | September 19, 2023
Lots is happening on this Event page. Let’s take a more in depth look… The Bethany Church Events Page is a combination of 3 different calendar views: one is not a Display.Church (D.C) template; the other two are. So, once again, we see the ‘best of both worlds’ strategy. In addition, they are using 2…